The Alfred Gourdji Distinguished Lecture Series features prominent, engaging speakers from “town and gown.” It consists of eight lectures, four in the fall session and four in the winter/ spring session. Learn from well-known experts about an array of fascinating topics. Each lecture is just the beginning; a stimulating question-and-answer period follows each session.
The Alfred Gourdji Distinguished Lecture Series was planned by Bernard Banet, Ron Bogdasarian, Ron Frisch, Beverley Geltner, Frances Schultz, Leo Shedden, and Katherine Woo, and co-chairs Gerald Gardner and Marie Vitale.
All programs will take place at: Washtenaw Community College Morris Lawrence Building Towsley Auditorium (or nearby meeting rooms) 4800 E Huron River Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48105
All lectures will also be live streamed through Zoom.