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Course Catalog > Out of Town > In-person Events

In-person Events   

In-person trips are currently open to members only. No refunds within 30 days of departure.


  • Out of Town #2: Exploring Hispanic Culture, Traditions, Art, & Food in Southwest Detroit
  • Fee: $162.00
    Dates: 10/9/2024 - 10/9/2024
    Times: 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
    Days: W
    Sessions: 1
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If you do not see the "Add to Waitlist" or "Add to Cart" button, there are three possible reasons. 1) Registration may not be open 2) You have not added a Membership to your cart or renewed your membership 3) You are not logged in:

  • Out of Town #3: A Visit to Meadow Brook in Rochester Hills, Michigan
  • Fee: $152.00
    Dates: 10/30/2024 - 10/30/2024
    Times: 8:45 AM - 6:00 PM
    Days: W
    Sessions: 1
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If you do not see the "Add to Waitlist" or "Add to Cart" button, there are three possible reasons. 1) Registration may not be open 2) You have not added a Membership to your cart or renewed your membership 3) You are not logged in:

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