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Hobbies, Games and Sports   

Request Offering means that the class is subject to the lottery. The lottery is for our classes that have a size limitation. You will not be charged for the class until after the lottery if you make it in. Continue to add this option to your cart if you wish to be placed in the lottery for the offering. 

Add to Cart means the offering can be purchased immediately. 

The lottery concludes on September 5 and schedules will be available the following day. Members can then log in and pay. 

  • Beer 101
  • Fee: $12.00
    Dates: 11/11/2024 - 11/11/2024
    Times: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
    Days: M
    Sessions: 1
    Building: Turner Senior Resource Center
    Instructor: Martin Friedburg
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If you do not see the "Request Offering" or "Add to Cart" button, there are three possible reasons. 1) Registration may not be open 2) You have not added a Membership to your cart or renewed your membership 3) You are not logged in:

  • Home Maintenance
  • Fee: $12.00
    Item Number: FalOOSG31731
    Dates: 11/19/2024 - 11/19/2024
    Times: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
    Days: Tu
    Sessions: 1
    Building: Turner Senior Resource Center
    Instructor: Steve Bredernitz
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This offering is currently full please add yourself to the waitlist.
If you do not see the "Request Offering" or "Add to Waitlist" button, there are three possible reasons. 1) Registration may not be open 2) You have not added a Membership to your cart or renewed your membership 3) You are not logged in:

  • The Love, Lure, and Lore of the Laundry Line
  • Fee: $12.00
    Dates: 9/30/2024 - 9/30/2024
    Times: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
    Days: M
    Sessions: 1
    Building: Turner Senior Resource Center
    Instructor: Anne Lawrence
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If you do not see the "Request Offering" or "Add to Cart" button, there are three possible reasons. 1) Registration may not be open 2) You have not added a Membership to your cart or renewed your membership 3) You are not logged in:

  • What Makes a Good Photograph?
  • Fee: $17.00
    Dates: 10/22/2024 - 10/29/2024
    Times: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
    Days: Tu
    Sessions: 2
    Building: Washtenaw Community College
    Instructor: George Lavoie
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If you do not see the "Request Offering" or "Add to Cart" button, there are three possible reasons. 1) Registration may not be open 2) You have not added a Membership to your cart or renewed your membership 3) You are not logged in:

  • Wine 101
  • Fee: $12.00
    Dates: 11/4/2024 - 11/4/2024
    Times: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    Days: M
    Sessions: 1
    Building: Turner Senior Resource Center
    Instructor: Martin Friedburg
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If you do not see the "Request Offering" or "Add to Cart" button, there are three possible reasons. 1) Registration may not be open 2) You have not added a Membership to your cart or renewed your membership 3) You are not logged in:

  • The Metaphysics of Baseball
  • Fee: $42.00
    Item Number: FalOOSG31701
    Dates: 9/10/2024 - 10/15/2024
    Times: 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
    Days: Tu
    Sessions: 6
    Building: Online only
    Instructor: Deb Mukherjee
    REGISTRATION FOR THIS CLASS IS CLOSED. This class is already in session.
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